The harbor at Fernandina Beach is often home to very large numbers of Pelicans. The beautiful birds add a special atmosphere to the downtown area. $8.00
This one was taken at Eagan's Creek on the north end of the Island. His reflection was well-captured in the water. Darkened the background to bring the reflection out more. $10.00
A Great Egret poised on the top of a tree looking like he owns the world.
Great Blue Heron flying alongside the pier on Crane Island
Great Blue Heron flying alongside the pier on Crane Island.
Tricolored Heron perched on a pier overlooking the marsh on Amelia Island.
Pileated Woodpecker
Bald Eagle not far from the nest flies off to care for its eaglet. $8.00
We have a family of 3 here. Only 2 are in the picture but there is a Mom, Dad and Baby in the winter of 2023 and they are doing well. I think the baby is hinting that he is hungry. $8.00
Another shot of part of the family during the winter of 2023. The baby has been getting bigger and seems to be thriving. Hopefully soon we will have shots of him getting ready to fly. $8.00
This is a parent in the 3-member family flying from the tree where the nest is to either find food or perch on a scouting post to watch the nest from a short distance away. $8.00
I find myself going back to Crane Island Park to check on the Bald Eagles. Yesterday this one was in her nest and would not move. Then a mother and her grown daughter approached and the mom started calling out to the bird. She boldly stated that she can get the bird to come out of the nest. The bird then jumped out of the nest and perched on the tree. $8.00
Taken on a bank between 2 ponds on the north end of Amelia Island. This location is a favorite hangout for Spoonbills, Woodstorks, Egrets, Herons, Ibisis and a gator or two. $10.00
This one was at Drummond Point Park and the settings on the camera allow for just a bit of motion blur making the imaging almost look like it too is moving. $10.00
These birds are on the Island a lot. They also seem to nest here. Everyone loves them and there is even a pond called Spoonbill Pond just off the southern tip of Amelia Island. Guess where its name came from. $10.00
This gal and I see each other often now. She loves to play by flying over the marsh and landing in three or four set place for a few moments and then takes off again. $8.00
This is the boyfriend of the female Belted Kingfisher who appears on this site. They often fly around together yapping non-stop, landing and then taking off again. $8.00
Belted Kingfishers can be hard to capture because they love to land and then take off immediately. This female has a male companion and the two of them love to fly above the marsh at Drummond Point Park and then come into this section of trees and perch and then take off again. $8.00
Belted Kingfishers can be hard to capture because they love to land and then take off immediately. Today this female was all over the marsh but without her companion. Hope she finds him. $8.00
Snowy Egrets are very feisty birds. However, they also like to hang out with themselves, Great Egrets, Spoonbills and and Herons. Here are two Snowies chilling out on a pier overlooking the marsh. $8.00
Colorful birds love to gather on the pier at Drummond Point Park. $8.00
These birds in flight are a sight to behold. $8.00
White Pelicans are huge beautiful birds. They show up around here a couple of times a year but mostly in winter. On Big Talbot Island there is a pond called Spoonbill Pond where a wide variety of birds like to gather. That’s where these were swimming (along with many others) when I took this shot in January of 2022. $8.00
White Pelicans are here from time to time and often in the winter. Magnificent creatures to get close to. $8.00
This Pileated Woodpecker lives in our immediate vicinity. They are plentiful on the island and at some point I will post some shots of one on Boneyard Beach. (See “Landscapes” for a Boneyard Beach photo.) $8.00
Great Egret in flight. I love this image. $8.00
He just looks so regal. He is overlooking the marsh on the southern half of Amelia Island. $8.00
Ospreys are all over the Island. This one was on a pier in the marsh at Drummond Point Park and seemed quite surprised to see me. $8.00